About us

The Foundation Laboratory of Law and Entrepreneurship was created to combine the knowledge of researchers and the experience of practitioners in the field of law and economy. We work towards Polish economic development and the elimination of legal barriers for entrepreneurs. We want the law to foster business activity and innovation.

Polish economy needs new tools and methods for solving its problems. We have created The Laboratory since currently the processes of establishing and applying the law too often constitute unacceptable experiments on the living organism of Polish economy. We need thoughtful and safe solutions - these are what we are looking for in our daily activities.

We decided to achieve these goals through active influence on the legislative process and the practice of applying the law. We publish reports and analysis. We prepare legislative proposals beneficial for entrepreneurs. We organize seminars, conferences and training. We work with a wide range of experts: from the worlds of science and business.

We are open to your comments and questions. We encourage you to contact us for cooperation.


Project is carrying out by the beneficiary – The Foundation Laboratory of Law and Entrepreneurship. Funds for this project have been granted from European Economic Area Financial Mechanism, i.e. EEA within the programme “Citizens for Democracy”. Granted support amount to 250 000,00 zl. Project is carrying out as a part of thematic area “Public scrutiny” without participation of partners and institutions from donor countries.

Main aim of undertaking is connected with research of how works compensation system from material damages caused to the citizens by the public authorities activity in Poland.


Our projects take many forms. We adapt them to the needs of t he entities we cooperate with, we choose the most effective solutions to eliminate obstacles they encounter and to achieve the objectives of the Laboratory

We invite entrepreneurs, industry organizations, state and local authorities, political parties, NGOs and other entities to cooperate with us. We also encourage all interested in solving problems of legal barriers in doing business to contact us.

Selected forms of our activities:

Professional development reports

Industry reports are strategic studies with a comprehensive diagnosis of the situation of the given branch of economy, the identification of key regulatory and market issues. Therefore, we prepare proposals related to system changes.


In cooperation with representatives of business organizations and entrepreneurs we develop analyses on the impact of legislative regulations on economic activity and entrepreneurship. We publish impact assessments and formulate proposals for legislative changes.

Legislative projects

We prepare draft amendments to the law and the justification for such changes in co-operation with the representatives of interested entities. We popularize legislative proposals favorable from the point of view of economic development and entrepreneurship and strive for their implementation.


In order to improve the quality of law enforcement and the implementation of the constitutional principle of freedom of economic activity, the Laboratory – as a non-governmental organization (NGO) - is involved in proceedings before public authorities, especially in the civil, administrative and court- administrative proceedings.


The Laboratory monitors the lawmaking process, with the special focus on the legislative proposals and implementation of regulations crucial for running business. Acting in accordance with applicable law, the Laboratory offers support at the stage of drafting the projects of normative acts, participation in public consultations (during parliamentary work as well as before state and local authorities) and performing social and information campaigns


The Laboratory provides specialized training for selected legal issues. These are conducted by a wide range of experienced practitioners who cooperate with us - solicitors, attorneys, former officials, professionals in the field of management and PR – as well as academics. The training program will be fully adapted to the requirements and specifics of the audience's activity.

Legal opinions

Researchers and recognized representatives of the doctrine cooperating with laboratory prepare legal opinions on selected legal topic issues, offering relevant and practical solutions.


The Foundation is supported by an interdisciplinary group of experienced practitioners and academics. Our associates include - alongside with lawyers of various specialisations - also economists, social researchers and managers. Within specific projects we cooperate with specialized entities: law firms, consulting firms and research institutes of the third sector.

The collaboration with our experts is coordinated by the creators of the Laboratory of Law and Entrepreneurship:

Krzysztof Koźmiński

Krzysztof Koźmiński

A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Warsaw University and the University of Liberal Arts (Inter- Faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities), where he studied philosophy, sociology and political science.
He has a PhD in Law and is a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Law of the University. He is a senior lawyer in a recognized law firm in Warsaw. An expert for various NGOs. He specializes in constitutional law and administrative law. An author of numerous scientific publications and a Chairman of the Board of Law and Entrepreneurship Laboratory.

Michał Jabłoński

Michał Jabłoński

A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Warsaw University. A member of the Attorney Association in Warsaw. He has cooperated with one of the biggest Polish law firms, involved in numerous administrative and court-administrative proceedings . He is a PhD student in the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure at the University of Warsaw and the author of numerous scientific publications. A Vice Chairman of Law and Economics Laboratory. He analyzes the impact of regulations and the use of administrative law and the rules of procedures (administrative, court-administrative as well as civil) on the business environment and the functioning of the various industry markets.

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Laboratorium Prawa i Gospodarki
Al. Solidarności 117 lok. 810
00-137 Warszawa
KRS: 0000455032

+48 531 111 104